Fun day at Yankee Stadium

For an 8-year-old soccer player, it was a dream come true: last Sunday, Joük footballer Joshua got to go out onto the field during the MLS Cup's halftime, thanks to our partnership with NYCFC.

The excitement started in the afternoon when Joshua and his family got to take a picture with the MLS cup.  They were all smiles, but the best was yet to come: watching an exciting game between NYCFC and the Colorado Rapids, and then getting to go down onto the Yankee Stadium field at halftime! Joshua and his dad could barely contain their excitement as they made their way onto the pitch where some of Joshua's favorite players had been standing just minutes earlier. What 8-year-old wouldn't want to stand there and dream he was one of the players? 

Being a part of Joük makes it possible for kids such as Joshua to enjoy this kind of experience. We are happy to share his joy—that's what Joük is all about. 

Vanessa Benshimol